

通常情况下,当一个系统、一个过程、一个产品等发生变化时.),至少会有一个挑战. The change to a new electronic health records system (MEDITECH) at Box Butte总医院 has been no exception.

而MEDITECH整体运行平稳, there have been challenges with the workflow between MEDITECH and BBGH staff for patient statements. 首席财务官Michael O 'Dell说, “病人 may receive two bills if they have a balance prior to April and were seen after April 30th. 一份来自旧的Centriq系统,一份来自新的MEDITECH系统, 但两者都需要支付. 4月前无结余,5月1日后见者, IM电竞App官网只会收到一份声明.简而言之,只有209名患者将收到两份账单. The insurance amount on MEDITECH statements was found to be incorrect; however, 病人欠的金额是正确的.

O’dell用他的团队的解决方案回应了这些挑战, “在邮寄之前,100%的患者陈述将被审查以确保准确性. IM电竞App官网正在与MEDITECH、Inovolan和IM电竞App官网的团队一起努力解决这些问题. But it’s important for patients to know that if their bill is delayed by a couple months, we will 我现在正把它们送到催收处.”

If you have questions or concerns about your bill (or bills) from Box Butte总医院, 请不要犹豫,联系 金融咨询师 Rob或Elena, 308-761-1008或308-761-1020.