
邀请社区成员加入盒丘综合医院预防自杀老年生活方案 & 宣传月

9月 is Suicide Prevention & 宣传月. Box Butte综合医院的老年生活解决方案团队继续支持社区,提高人们对自杀预防的认识.

According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), 有, 平均, 130 suicide deaths and an estimated 1.2 million suicide attempts in 2020. 每个9月, 全国各地的许多人共同努力,帮助提高人们对自杀的认识,并鼓励教育,以帮助预防更多的生命丧失.

“通过提高人们的意识,教育人们了解那些可能表明某人有自杀念头或可能有自杀危险的迹象, IM电竞App官网可以帮忙,” says 老年生活解决方案 Program Director Denasha Schmunk, RN. “自杀预防和意识月是一个让你停下来评估自己和周围人的机会,以确保那些需要帮助的人能够获得帮助,而不是生活在危险之中。.”

高级生活解决方案是一个 BBGH主持的节目, and designed to meet the unique needs of individuals typically 65 and older, 经历与生活变化相关的抑郁和/或焦虑,这些变化通常与衰老有关.

If you or someone you know is struggling with a decline in mental health, 老年生活解决方案 is here to help. 无论是通过这个项目, 或者其他服务, the 老年生活解决方案 team works to identify, address, and support the emotional needs of those in the community.

If you or someone you know is in a mental health situation that requires immediate attention, 拨打911. If you are experiencing difficult or suicidal thoughts, call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988.

如果你需要更多的信息, 教育, or would like to discuss support, please call 老年生活解决方案 at (308) 761-3511.

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